(248) 593-9985 555
South Old Woodward Ave Ste 700
Birmingham, MI 48009

Lichten Wellness Center is an elite medical center that treats the root cause of disease through gender specific medicine. LWC is on the forefront of cutting- edge hormone therapy, growth hormone optimization, anti-aging protocols and resetting patients immune systems to stay healthy.


Dr. Edward Lichten, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.A.C.O.G. completed his medical and surgical training at Ohio State University. Trained in the most advanced surgery for cancer, Dr. Lichten chose to pursue a search for the hormonal imbalances that contribute to and cause diseases. By creating hormonal balance through natural bioidentical testosterone and nandrolone, the patient can stay more alert, involved, active and recover faster--LIVING BETTER and LONGER! Dr. Lichten’s passion is to provide patients with a normal life free from illness.

As the author of the Textbook of Bio-identical Hormones, Dr. Lichten has put together some of the missing pieces that underlie most chronic disease- hormonal imbalances. Environmental toxins are estrogen and testosterone poisons. Until recently, the connection between autoimmune diseases and hormonal imbalance combined with environmental toxins had yet to be discovered. Mainstream medical research failed to consider to realize that many chronic inflammatory diseases are mediated through hormones. The changes in biological sex hormones of estrogen and decrease in testosterone and Free Androgen Index ratio link to everything from Alzheimer's to heart disease, obesity, and to Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. By blocking environmental toxins, individuals reset their immune systems and stay healthy! Dr. Licthen is a trailblazer in using hormones to treat anti-aging, autoimmune, and environmental diseases.