Urology Specialties, Conditions, Treatments & Technology

Bladder Cancer Screening and Surveillance with FISH , cytology, and NMP-22

In the United States, bladder cancer is the fourth most diagnosed malignancy for men, and the tenth most common for women. Despite the fact that diagnosis rates have leveled off over the past decade, bladder cancer is still of great concern to the 60,000 people who are estimated to be diagnosed with the disease this year.

There are three main types of bladder tumors, identified by the way they appear under the microscope:

  • Urothelial carcinoma (also known as transitional cell carcinoma or TCC)
  • Squamous cell carcinoma
  • Adenocarcinoma.

FISH Technology

Researchers found that utilizing fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technology when testing urine specimens for bladder-cancer markers was 92% effective in detecting those markers, compared with a sensitivity of only 64% for traditional cytology screenings. Through FISH analysis, laboratories will be able to provide initial analysis more quickly, and with a higher degree of accuracy, to physicians, so that they and their patients can make an informed biopsy decision and begin designing potential treatment protocols much sooner. recent therapeutic studies have concluded that early diagnosis, coupled with a combined treatment regimen, leads to the highest survival rate among bladder-cancer patients.


Urologic Oncology

Education / Resources

Prostate Cancer Therapeutics

Bladder Cancer Therapeutics


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